Spend the last days of summer immersed in hands-on & engaging web-related workshops.

Wednesday 29th August 2018

Practical design patterns in PHP
Workshop by Hugo Hamon in PHP (6 hour)

Established in the 70's by the "Gang of Four", Design Patterns are generic reusable abstract solutions to solve often recurring problems in software design. Object-oriented frameworks like Symfony leverage them to design robust, extensible, and testable code, letting developers build their applications on top of solid foundations. In this workshop, you will (re)discover useful patterns like Builder, Factory Method, Abstract Factory, Composite, Decorator and Adapter on the first and Flyweight, Memento, Strategy, Template Method, Mediator or Visitor on the second day of the workshop. Workshop level: Intermediate

Symfony 4 best practices
Workshop by Nicolas Grekas in PHP (6 hour)

Symfony 4 has been recently released and it changes the way you develop Web applications with Symfony. In this workshop, you will discover the new recommended best practices promoted by the Symfony Core Team. With Nicols, you will learn how to install third party packages with Symfony Flex, configure your application with environment variables or leverage the new dependency injection container features. And much more! Workshop level: Intermediate

How to build eZ Platform websites using Netgen open-source components
Workshop by Igor Vrdoljak, Mario Blažek in eZ (3 hour)

From the early days of Netgen existence, we have been building solutions based on eZ CMS, finding it a supreme base for complex content-driven projects. Over 15 years of working with eZ, we have – like many other companies – developed a toolbox of smaller and bigger components that we use for most of our projects. The root idea was to build a foundation from which new projects can derive, having all repetitive tasks already preconfigured and set. A lot of these components were open sourced in the process. Now we want to go a step further and offer the whole Netgen eZ stack as an easy-to-use open source skeleton for your next great eZ Platform site! Workshop level: Beginner

Productive development with Site API
Workshop by Petar Španja, Mario Blažek in eZ (3 hour)

Netgen’s Site API will enable translating your Content model to a website in clean, natural and streamlined way, often without even writing PHP. It will make the process easier, faster and less error prone, open the field to newcomers and roles other than PHP developers, and also free PHP developers to spend their time solving real problems and implementing project specific business logic in PHP Workshop level: Beginner

Thursday 30th August 2018

Deep dive into Symfony 4 internals
Workshop by Tobias Nyholm in PHP (3 hour)

Symfony is a request and response framework. But what about all that magic that happens around your code? How does security work? Why is autowiring not slowing things down? And how is it that Symfony components can be so decoupled but still play so well together? Tobias will show you the Symfony internals. This workshop will go over the architecture of Symfony. You will follow the request and the response paths throw the framework and do some stops at the components that are more awesome than others. This workshop is perfect for anyone who has been working with Symfony or Laravel before. Even if you have never touched a framework before, do not worry – you will still learn a lot. Workshop level: Intermediate

Extending eZ Platform
Workshop by Mikołaj Adamczyk, Dawid Parafiński in eZ (6 hour)

In this workshop, you will build a poll system – from the customization of the content type to the visualization of the collected data. You will cover topics such as how to create a fieldtype, how to add new admin interfaces and send notifications to the users of the admin interface. Workshop level: Intermediate

Pragmatic TDD
Workshop by Luka Mužinić in PHP (3 hour)

Developers still hesitate to include writing tests in their everyday routine. There are numerous excuses, myths, and misconceptions around: “they slow us down”, “we will never achieve 100% code coverage, so why bother”, “takes too much time to learn testing, we are better off writing business logic instead”. When we get to the topic of writing tests first, the debate becomes even more heated. In the real world, where you get paid by code that ships, developer strive to write the most efficient tests possible. To cover mission critical code. To quickly decide whether writing a functional test or series of unit tests is the best approach. Learn together with Luka how to use PHPUnit and TDD in the most efficient way possible for extraordinary results. This workshop is for developers who start their projects by drawing model of the database first, developers who are overwhelmed by number of testing tools or don’t know where to start, and developers who simply want to level up their game. Workshop level: Introductory

Code like a pro
Workshop by Stefan Priebsch in PHP (3 hour)

No matter how experienced you are as a developer, you can always improve. This workshop will teach you advanced coding techniques through live coding. First up, you will solve some interesting coding problems you will have defined (it is only live if nobody knows the problem beforehand). In the second segment, you will write code in a test-driven fashion. With Stefan, you will touch on domain-driven design, test-driven development, clean code and SOLID principles, and might even throw in a few design patterns. Every question will be answered! To fully participate in the workshop, you should have a good working knowledge of PHP, at least basic OOP skills, and be familiar with the basics of PHPUnit. Workshop level: Intermediate

Friday 31st August 2018

Web application security
Workshop by Anna Filina in PHP (6 hour)

Web security is an ever-changing landscape. Protect your infrastructure and your sensitive data with this full-day workshop. You will start with the theory behind application hardening and then go through a multitude of common vulnerabilities, along with concrete examples and solution in your target programming language. You will finish with an interactive risk assessment session. Workshop level: Introductory

Server side rendering of React with Symfony
Workshop by Nacho Martín in PHP (3 hour)

TBA Workshop level: Intermediate

Netgen Layouts
Workshop by Edi Modrić in eZ (3 hour)

Netgen Layouts is a tool that allows you to build various types of sites by using only a drag & drop layout editing interface. However, it doesn’t stop there. Netgen Layouts is friendly to Symfony developers, allowing you to easily build custom layouts, blocks, and queries that work with your eZ Platform content. You will learn how to customize existing Netgen Layouts blocks and build your own. Workshop level: Beginner

Knowing your state machines
Workshop by Tobias Nyholm in PHP (3 hour)

Web development is not just about delivering a response, it is also about writing good code. The state pattern will help you move complexity from being all over your code to one or more state machines. Tobias' workshop will introduce state machines, show you how to identify uses of them, and implement them in your Symfony application in an object-oriented manner using the Symfony Workflow component. Workshop level: Intermediate

Using eZ Platform Cloud powered by platform.sh
Workshop by Serhey Dolgushev, Chris Moutsos in eZ (3 hour)

The main goal for this workshop is to show how easy is to use eZ Platform Cloud. It will consist of the following sections: Platform.sh basics will lead trough main Platform.sh basic concepts. And will build an example project. eZ Platform Cloud will show how to extend eZ Platform Cloud: -installing custom PHP extensions -managing environments -managing domains Platform.cc will share internal ContextualCode tool for eZ Platform Cloud local development. Workshop level: Introductory