Talk comments

I loved this presentation. It was packaged really well to make it easy to understand and the style presented really provided a lot of fuel for brainstorming and idea generation.

The way you outlined the patterns in steps and built upon them was fantastic and really made it easy to digest and build upon. I will second everything said by Clark as well.

I went into this presentation not really understanding too much what it would be about but wasn't sure which slot to choose for the hour. It ended up being my favorite presentation of the entire show, thank you very much!

I really enjoyed the presentation. I found it helpful to see where it has ended up. I tried using it a few years back and didn't enjoy it all, after this presentation I definitely want to look into it again.

I really enjoyed the presentation. There was certainly a lot to digest but it provided excellent exposure to what the tool is capable of and was enough to drive further interest for me. Thank you.

Excellent presentation, loved the use of Lego blocks and photos to maintain the energy of the presentation. Great information packaged up in easy to understand style.

Great presentation providing a solid overview of the large variety of community tools and processes that can take a development team from good to great.

Very good speaker and very interesting topic.