Vagrant + Ansible


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live demo is brave. bravo.

Michael gave a good insight into Ansible. He made it look pretty easy, something hopefully I can put into practice now. Tempted fate a bit doing a live demo, but it actually went well, and really added to my understanding of it.

Possibly the first time I've seen a live demo go flawlessly. I'm therefore assuming it was a pre-recorded video. (using pre-made alias commands to help you along and cut down on typing is an idea I'll be stealing)

Little touches like having the rest of the text grey out and leaving the relevant part to stand out made looking at config files very easy to understand. The talk was broken up well, with heavy tech, live demo, then more tech keeping the interest level high.

And, of course, a few sly digs at other technology got laughs and kept the energy going.

Anonymous at 15:22 on 5 Oct 2013

Might want to update the fact slide to indicate Ansible has built-in facts too, so you don't have to install Ruby if for facter/ohai if you don't want to.

Anonymous at 01:23 on 6 Oct 2013

good talk, great demo

As an Ansible beginner I found the talk really useful. The live demo was worked flawlessly and clearly conveyed the lower entry barrier compared to Chef/Puppet.

Great talk. Although live demos can be a bit risky, for subjects like this, I personally prefer a mixture of the demo and talk approach as you get a better feel for how things work.

Didn't need the vagrant stuff would have been enough of subject with Ansible.

Live demo was useful to see how Ansible works, and the small steps at a time process made it easy to follow. Slides looked good and I could tell a lot of work had gone into preparation.

Talking was a good speed and very clear.

Still like Puppet though ;)

Very well prepared talk and kudos for the smooth running demo. Took away a lot from this talk (presentation technique and content wise).

A great talk, I got a lot out of this and can't wait to play with ansible myself.
The live demo thankfully worked and was really well prepared for, it added a lot to the talk.

Micheal's very knowledgeable and is a great speaker, so this was one of my favourite talks at the conference.

Ansible is a great tool, given I'm already a user I was simply curious as to which features you were going to keep in / leave out - you didn't disappoint - well rounded introduction, including the live demo. Personally I would have had one element that showed parallelisation - spin up 3 VMs, provision them all :)

I always enjoy your pace and style of delivery in this size of audience, well done.

I enjoyed this. It actually showed me why I might use Vagrant. Live demo worked really well.

Great talk, well delivered, with plenty of humour. Full marks for going for the live demo and getting it spot on. I've been working closely with config management tools of late but haven't had a play with ansible so it was good to see it in action. Would have been good to see how it behaves with something larger scale than a dev VM.

Brilliant. A well presented talk with an excellent amount of content. Also with a live demo that was executed without a hitch. You always know a good technical talk as you walk away thinking 'I really must give this a go' and this was most definitely the case.