We read and write code every day to build maintainable software. To help us in our effort, we use and rely on numerous tools. As we write software for increasingly complex problems, our tooling should also evolve to support this. Like ancient craftsmen, we should not only improve our skills but also the tools we use.

In his presentation "AST in Wonderland", Jeroen will take you on an adventure, that started for him, with Abstract Syntax Trees. In his journey, he found new tools and techniques to help us in our code writing endeavor. He encountered mutants, lakes and even artificial life.

Join him and see how deep the rabbit hole goes...



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An inspiring talk, full of information about ASTs and how they can be useful both for PHP internals and also some practical applications in userland. Jeroen was able to deliver it very well too: even though it was a bit long (which I'm sure he'll improve for next time), he was able to keep it engaging and fresh throughout. I would recommend this talk to any PHP developer who never had the opportunity to dive into this topic!

A very interesting talk about less known parts of PHP. There is some room for improvement in the public speaking part of the talk, eg audience engagement and the talk was a bit long, but this was the first showing so I'm sure this will improve. Despite the talk being very long, it was almost never boring which speaks to the interesting nature of this talk. Would recommend!

Serkan Yildiz at 10:01 on 9 May 2019

It was an inspiring talk on AST, Machine Learning & what can be achieved when both are combined. The talk itself was a bit long, but that can be improved. IMHO this talk should be given at a conference!