A complex ORM... faster than SQL?


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Anonymous at 12:36 on 20 Sep 2014

Anonymous at 12:39 on 20 Sep 2014

Thank you for your speech, i think that it will help us redo our system, because we use looooots of wrong orm.
Thank you! :)

Good amount of information covered, thankfully I know much of how the Doctrine ORM works so it was familiar & I was able to get something out of it (the L2 Cache is especially interesting), but I do worry that people who are totally unaware of ORMs / Doctrine may have gotten lost, but I guess that is for them to say :) Either way, very interesting stuff, definitely going to look into this, hopefully it will be supported in DoctrineORMModule soon ;)

I loved that this presentation wasn't just another one with one goal: "use Doctrine". You always mentioned the good way and the bad way, you were critic ... it was just good :)