Continuous WordPress, live is all good


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Marush Denchev at 16:21 on 8 Oct 2016

Good talk but more on the motivational side. As another speaker in another conference once said: "It is easier to automate 200 machines than 2". But the talk encouraged me too look into how to use CI in my daily work routine.

Mario Peshev at 16:38 on 8 Oct 2016

Excellent talk - we've integrated WordPress with Jenkins multiple times and it's the right thing to do (also trivial with Travis). Very important for the whole PHP community (and the WordPress one as well) direction-wise for people who see that as impossible, or waste a lot of time on the wrong problems.

Cristi Contiu at 20:17 on 8 Oct 2016

Excelent talk, great idea to get the updates from svn, would like to hear more info on themes & plugins automated testing.

Dimitur Ilkov at 21:41 on 9 Oct 2016

Great talk

The best lecture on the conference