Q&A with members of the PHP Framework Interop Group, moderated by Mihail Irintchev


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The discussion we had was amazing. Being able to talk about the decisions and how they were made, the problems that the PHP-FIG people are facing and how they solve them.. it was just amazing to have you, guys!

Definitely an interesting discussion. I think that it managed to cover all the important parts around PHP-FIG.
And Mihail did great as the moderator!

Milana Cap at 01:29 on 13 Nov 2019

Coming from WordPress community it was very interesting for me to see how PHP community is organised and how it is solving some problems.

Very insightful, thank you to all participants.

Arnout Boks at 16:17 on 16 Nov 2019

Great way to see how the PHP-FIG operates under the hood and get the latest updates on current topics.