What if we could evolve our web of individual documents and data to a web of interlinked knowledge, a web where machines can automatically combine data from multiple sources and draw conclusions from it? The Semantic Web technologies from W3C enable us to make sense of the data wilderness on the web and unlock the full potential of the data treasures hidden in it.

In this talk, we will see how RDF enables us to formally describe the meaning of data and how such data can be queried with SPARQL. We will look at how OWL lets us make more expressive statements about the world, so that a computer can logically reason about it and infer new information. We will demonstrate these technologies by showing how they can be used to query seemingly incompatible data sets as if they were one and letting a computer draw logical (and perhaps surprising) conclusions for us.

Contains: ‘retro’ technology, linked data, fundamental properties of the web, and Donald Trump’s opinion on PHP frameworks.


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Arnout Boks (Speaker) at 12:29 on 9 Nov 2019

Thanks to everyone who attended! The slides can be found at https://speakerdeck.com/aboks/the-web-of-the-future-introduction-to-the-semantic-web-bulgaria-php-2019, feel free to reach out with any additional questions. Feedback is highly appreciated!

Liked how this talk is organized and how well the speaker caught audience's attention with problems that we do not think about every day. Good tempo made it very easy to follow.

Milana Cap at 01:06 on 13 Nov 2019

Very interesting presentation of describing and linking data on web and how truthness and (in)completeness of it influence our interpretation. I love the examples and must disagree with Trump.

Great talk. Thank you Arnout for presenting it.

Really good introduction to the Semantic Web. I liked it all!