Software development is a strange mixture of work and art. We do not only write code, but we make art as writers create their masterpieces. Your habits reflect on your daily work and shape how you approach new tasks. The main problem of bad habits, aside of wasting your time and lowering your motivation, is that rather often you don’t even know about them. I will talk about bad habits by sharing with you all of the bad practices that I remember from my past and current projects. I will talk about what helps me write better, what motivates me and what prevents me from doing so. I will tell you how I started with Delphi, PHP and JAVA, how I hated JavaScript and how I love it now. We will even briefly talk about DevOPS and how I had to develop a torrent client in Python. I’ll share how I manage to learn new things, despite my uncanny laziness for reading.


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I really liked the honesty and simplicity in this talk. Thanks to Boyan for sharing his personal experience it really got me as I seem to share most of his bad habits. Sadly, we could not hear the end of the talk due to the delay of the previous lecture...

I would love to hear the rest ;)

I really appreciate the honesty of the speaker. He deliver his presentation in a really funny way. I wish there were a microphone in the room and more time to listen to him.