Over the years, software teams have questioned if PHP is a good choice for building web services. In this talk, I will share how we use PHP on the backend for Glu Mobile’s flagship mobile game Design Home, enabling it to regularly rank amongst the top free mobile games - both in downloads and grossing - since its launch in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store in Q4 2016. Design Home reaches over 1 million daily active users, serving over 100,000 requests per minute while maintaining a user base of over 30 million players. To date, over 1 billion designs have been made by players. We will deep dive into the thought processes, development, testing and deployment strategy, showcasing what we have achieved with PHP and why we love it and rely on it. My goal is to share with the community that, when done the right way, PHP can be used to build and maintain reliable, massively-scalable and high-performance backends using web services.


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Ann Gaffigan at 15:17 on 14 Sep 2018

This was a very thorough and well done talk. I appreciated all of the real world examples of how your company has optimized things. Thank you!

Ian Littman at 16:27 on 14 Sep 2018

Welcome to the speaking circuit :)

Lots of specific content from real-world experience, which makes case study presentations like this extra valuable.

A few nitpicks:

1. You had a few extra minutes in the slot and it felt like you could've gone into more detail on some parts of the presentation.
2. Split slides so fonts are bigger and attendees don't get lost reading through the slide.
3. For the "for the future" slide(s), include a couple words on why that next-thing is exciting.

P.S. As someone who's used Phalcon for nearly 5 years, I'd be more excited about amphp than Phalcon for architecture-changing swap-outs.

Demin Yin (Speaker) at 23:45 on 14 Sep 2018

Thanks for the feedbacks from Ann and Ian. Feeling so happy hearing different topics and meeting with so many great people in the PHP community at Cascadia PHP 2018. This was the first time I spoke about our experiences using PHP at Glu, and I'm looking forward to contributing more to the community!

Chris Lim at 22:41 on 19 Sep 2018

This was not the talk I was expecting. The talk was pretty much just a short overview the business (helpful) and a list of technologies (not helpful). I was expecting "we tried using X but had problems with Y so we switched to Z" and other types of statements. Otherwise the list of technologies sounds pretty similar to everything I already use, so I don't know any reasons why one product shines above another one.

Nour Akalay at 03:28 on 20 Sep 2018

Unfortunately, I had to leave abruptly in the middle of the talk but I was totally floored by the half I listened to. I discovered stuff I had no idea were possible and Demin Yin is a very clear and organized presenter, easy to follow. You won't get lost wondering how he jumped from one point to the other. First thing I did after the talk was visiting his and his company's Github repos.