This talk goes over using the iterable types in PHP, but mostly Iterators and IteratorAggregates. It covers desirable properties of iterators if you are authoring them, and good hygiene to follow.


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Great technical talk Levi! Loved the in depth description of how each works, pitfalls to watch out for, use cases for each, and best practices. Handled the projected problem well. Loved the code examples! Examples were a little small, hard to read.

Andreas Heigl at 07:56 on 25 Oct 2024

That was a great technical talk. I learned about some interesting Iterators that I have never used before. And given the techical difficulties at the beginning it was an absolutely great experience. The only drawback for me was that the code was not as readable as it could have been due to the dark theme.

Informative but very low-level. I think it would help some to provide some real world usage examples (aside from mentioning PDO result sets) to help cement the concepts.

Perhaps one of the clearest explanations of generators I've heard, and an excellent overview of the uses for and benefits of iterables.

Korvin Szanto at 15:18 on 25 Oct 2024

Great talk. I appreciated the honesty around when it's useful and when it's not.

RK at 13:55 on 26 Oct 2024

This was one of those talks I wish I had a recording for. There were so many details that I loved. My 4pm brain is already melted. So hoping my notes make sense in the future.

Very clear explanation of the subject, and the presentation was easy to follow. I particularly liked the side by side comparison of foreach and for loops.

I would have appreciated some real-world examples to help my future self remembering when generators might be a better choice.

Levi I very much enjoy your talks! Everything is laid out in a clear and concise way, with great examples and information that is understandable from the super technical user to someone who may be just starting out.

Adrian Olives at 12:23 on 30 Oct 2024

Great talk! I think the only thing I'd add would be more real-world examples, but I certainly learned some things that will improve my work.