Let's talk about PHP! How it runs! What the heck is a SAPI?

We'll talk through the history of how PHP runs in production, and then check out what makes FrankenPHP different. If the wifi holds out, we'll even do some live demos!


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Katriel Wolfe at 15:50 on 24 Oct 2024

Really enjoyed this. Servers are not a subject I know a lot about, or am normally very excited about, but Kurtis has such infectious enthusiasm. I learned a lot, and will be trying this out in a personal project.

I will definitely use this soon

Thank you! The new Frankenphp sapi has been on my bucket-list of things to explore ever since it was released but I hadn't had the time to explore it. For anybody that is already using Caddy to run php,Frankenphp is probably something you should investigate!

An interesting talk about a platform that I've heard quite a lot about but not investigated closely yet. This talk caused me to challenge my notion that "Apache is the best because it's the oldest" (Kurtis's point: precisely, it's OLD!) I think this presentation made the assertion that "it just works" early on and then spent a ton of time trying to prove that. But if we, the audience, accept that premise for the sake of discussion, I think we would have benefited from a deeper dive into HOW it works and how we can use it to satisfy various production/development use cases. SSLs, URL rewriting, blocking file extensions, load balancing, process queues, worker mode, etc. are all topics I need to research along with FrankenPHP.

Misha Hawthorn at 17:21 on 3 Nov 2024

This was an awesome presentation and demo of deploying an app with FrankenPHP. I do echo feedback from others that more depth would've been great, but would recommend this talk to anyone who deploys PHP web applications. The live demo was quite ambitious but went smoothly, I was sincerely impressed!