Talk in English - US at CascadiaPHP 2024
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Crater Lake
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Between the Verbs, the Headers, and the Status Codes it can get quite confusing to know which headers to use and which status codes to use. Rather than throwing our hands in the air and returning a 200 OK with an error body message, we can leverage the codes and headers to help our end user have a better experience with our API and reduce developer frustration. This talk takes people on a tour to understand what headers exist, what other codes are out there besides 200, 404, and 418, and when someone should use PUT or PATCH.
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Great talk full of useful examples, though some of the slides (such as the CORS workflow) are very difficult to read. It might also be helpful to move the tooling portions up a bit so it won't get cut off when you run out of time.
Great primer to get someone on the right track with API design. It would be good to spend less time on status codes and more on headers, and to have bigger text for code examples where possible
Great run through all things APIs. Drinking from the Trask firehose!
Great intro level presentation to REST and HTTP and how the two are tied together.