Great tips and tricks plus some basic overview information on HTTP and REST. Ben Ramsey definitely needs a tutorial session and/or there need to be more presentations on this topic. HTTP is what we all do every day without knowing it. We could all use some additional understanding of it.
When it comes to HTTP, this talk provides a good balance of "how it's defined", "what you should do", "what people have done", and "why you should/shouldn't do".
I could easily see this extended into a tutorial-length session that drills deeper into use cases for various status code event sequences and the rationale behind good and bad code sequences.
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Great tips and tricks plus some basic overview information on HTTP and REST. Ben Ramsey definitely needs a tutorial session and/or there need to be more presentations on this topic. HTTP is what we all do every day without knowing it. We could all use some additional understanding of it.
When it comes to HTTP, this talk provides a good balance of "how it's defined", "what you should do", "what people have done", and "why you should/shouldn't do".
I could easily see this extended into a tutorial-length session that drills deeper into use cases for various status code event sequences and the rationale behind good and bad code sequences.
Very informative. I would agree that this could be expanded into a tutorial session with some specific use cases.
Agree with the previous comments that this could definitely be expanded into a tutorial, and would love to see more on REST. Very informative.