Kill Bottlenecks with Gearman, Memcached & Sphinx


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Learned about Gearman which I've never work with. Presentation well structured, entertaining, shares real life experience. A1 talk, as usual. Thanks.

5-star talk! Paul know his stuff and the way to deliver it: funny, motivational and always to the point. Loved the "red book of stories".

I have nothing to add to that ...

Anonymous at 14:45 on 14 Mar 2011

«Kill Bottlenecks with Gearman, Memcached & Sphinx» from Paul was really instructing. He didn't really explained the way these software work but provided us with a good overview of how you can use them to reduce load and bottlenecks, where and how you should use them and how you can combine themselves. A really nice talk with a few anecdotes about his past. I will definitely look more into Gearman (job queuing software) and Sphinx (real-time full text search) in the future. Best talk of the day for me.