Although QAs and Devops can be seen as two different roles, the truth is that they have more things in common than we think.

When we are creating the structure of our test suites we need to take into account some practices and tools devops normally use in their daily work. From integrating the test automation with the CI tool to catching bugs as soon as possible to the use of containers to speed up test executions.

In this talk we are going to discover the different tips and tricks that makes QAs and Devops best friends


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Mike at 08:52 on 16 Apr 2018

Good info and reflections about QA and DevOps roles on software organizations.

Pau Trepat at 10:21 on 20 Apr 2018

I really liked it because it was the first talk that explicits that DevOps it's cultural. For the rest was worth to hear but not useful to me