You might be asking yourself why would you migrate in the first place? I will answer that in a bit, first let’s talk briefly about the cloud.

Since the advent of the "cloud" and with the rise of multiple players on this space (Azure, Google Cloud, AWS), tools have made their appearance too. Tooling is indispensable for automation and automation is fundamental for scaling. Tooling will also allow you to do something else: avoiding vendor lock in in favor of a more flexible concept: cost of migration. You can apply this very same concept when you are not as advanced or working with a minor or mid-sized player in the cloud providers arena, and give you the possibility to move to another provider that better suits your needs.

Why would you migrate? There could be several reasons: cost saving, service level and in our case, lack of tooling.

In this talk I’ll cover a one and a half year journey at Packlink, where we migrated from cloud provider and in the way went from:

- Not knowing how many servers were running
- Snowflake servers everywhere
- No automation
- Multiple monitoring tools and no real view of what was going on


- Exact count of resources
- All the infrastructure mapped in Ansible roles
- Fully automated instances creation (Hashicorp’s Terraform) and provisioning (Ansible)
- Trusted monitoring and alerts (Uchiwa, New Relic, Slack)
- Infrastructure as code mindset

Letting you know about the problems we found, solutions implemented and tradeoffs took.


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A compelling story from the trenches. The speaker was great.

Javi at 11:14 on 6 Jun 2019

Excellent speaker and nice story well exposed

Dani Möller at 14:56 on 6 Jun 2019

Awesome straightforward talk. Very inspiring for the path we are following.

Buitaker at 18:57 on 6 Jun 2019

Awesome exposition and history, you're super heros!

Miguel A. at 19:20 on 6 Jun 2019

Real story .

Martin at 21:26 on 6 Jun 2019

This one was beyond my expectations. The talk was great, the speaker knew what he was talking about and his appearance was also nice. Thank you very much.