Data migration: How not to leave a legacy


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This was an entertaining and insightful talk about the not much discussed topic of data migration. I've never thought there was much to learn about data migration: I was wrong. Even though the subject itself can be a bit dry, Anna brought enough humour with her presentation to keep the crowd interested and engaged.

My one small gripe would be that even though the talk started off strong with a good storyline, the storyline kind of felt flat at the end. This might have been because of time constraints (there was a LOT to discuss) or because of technical issues half way through, but it felt that it should have ended stronger. It's the small difference between a very good talk and a great talk.

Good talk! It was indeed very shiny, so the sunglasses were no unnecessary luxury ;)

But all jokes aside, the talk was interesting and funny, even for someone like me who doesn't have a lot of experience on the subject (especially not in those quantities).

Really nice and engaging talk with good and clear examples. I really enjoyed it!

Anna clearly has a ton of experience on data migration and knows how to share her insights with a lot of wit. The type of projects she described are a lot bigger in scale than mine, however I'm pretty sure a lot of data migration tips & tricks are applicable to any worthwhile software project.

Anna, thanks for sharing your insights!

Anonymous at 14:06 on 15 Jul 2015

This was a great talk, with more humour than 'data migration talk' might normally have.

The topic was also nice as it was more in the DB area than about a programming language.
