Third time's the charm and we're ready to bring it with our third monthly meeting! Our host this month will be SURFnet with their office located directly in the Hoog Catharijne shopping mall, so you can practically step out of the train station and directly into this month's venue. SURFnet will also sponsor Food (fries & salad) and drinks.

19:00 - Welcome (food & drinks):
19:30 - Talk: 'Scala: The Developer's Overview'
20:25 - Raffles and News
20:30 - Social

Speaker: Erik Bakker
Former PHP and Java developer, switched to Scala in 2010. Programs mostly web application backend for large and small clients. Into the Play web framework. Co-authored 'Play for Scala' book, published by Manning. Going more functional with Scalaz and leaning towards Haskell.