Introduction to Rust


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Jeroen v.d. Gulik at 20:05 on 29 Sep 2015

Great dry delivery, just enough info for a lightning talk. Could have been great with a bit more examples

Introducing an entire language in just a lightning talk is no small feat. I think you pulled it off, but only just. You seems to be a confident, comfortable speaker, but that can come off as somewhat sloppy or even unprepared. You radiated knowing your stuff. I think this talk has a lot of potential, but it needs some more work. I want to be made enthusiastic about a language, really, not as a joke.

Anonymous at 10:03 on 30 Sep 2015

While needs more practice in flowing text (around the How? slide things broke down a little) but confident and knowledgeable and threw in Yahuda Katz' name to perk our ears up :)

The race condition example was nice, but I couldn't tell if it was written in Rust or Ruby-- I like to see at least a line or two of a language if it's being introduced to me.

In general an enjoyable lightning talk!