Thursday 22nd June, we organise a Developer Meetup about caching with PSRs and using the concept of MVP in Deventer.

PHP Standards Recommendations (PSRs) are PHP community standards developed by the PHP Framework Interoperability Group (PHP-FIG). It is about how we should write code in a way that it’ll be easily readable and usable by others. Not only to other people but also other applications, generators, and other not humans (including yourself).

We all have different backgrounds and use different frameworks. So do you want to learn how to write maintainable and future proof code? We’ve invited Hannes Van De Vreken to tell about Caching with PSRs. Hannes is a software Engineer at, open source user and contributor, organiser of meetups in Belgium and also a marathon runner.

We also have invited Tim Huijzers, developer @, to tell about how to use the concept of MVP to ship a project early and be able to learn from the business.