The Cake Is A Lie


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Please use slideUnit to test your presentation before you start :-)

I always enjoy Sebastian's talks. Basicly generated code frameworks are bad. Good to see someone challaging the status quo. Many developers will disagree with what is said but I think he might be right.

If a fair amount of code can be generated in a consistent way, it should be done. I did not spot any alternatives or success stories ... slides were kind of meaningless imho, standard marketing material.

Good points delivered by the speaker. Maybe the argumentation lacks a bit, but still very interesting. It provoked a lot of people.

good points but Sebastian sounds a bit frustrated about the lack of unit tests in generated code. I guess he is workfield is more enterprise then mine. I do share his opinion about scaffolding but I never ran into trouble using a ORM like doctrine and I do write my queries in DQL using 1.x

Sebastion does have some good points.
Although in my opinion the talk turned into what felt like 30 minutes of scaffolding bashing.
Every serious developer doesn't really use scaffolding for anything production.

Great because you get a different point of view on what is currently very hyped: USE propel, USE doctrine, USE ... another code generator.

Sebastian warns the user on such automagically generated code and how it creates technical debt.

Lesson: it is not because it is hyped that you should follow it: maybe the cake they promise is a lie!

In general I really liked the talk.

Good talk, as always. Good insights.