In this talk you will learn what PSR-6 and PSR-16 are, why they are designed like they are, what the differences are, and how to use them. From the provided interfaces, the virtual package on, to the implementations available. Everything will be explained for both beginners and more experienced developers. We will dive into implementations, cache stampede protection, all using libraries we can find on We will also show how to start using it today in our current applications by using adapters. The entire talk will be accompanied with code samples and live demos, showing both working and failing caching systems.


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Anonymous at 14:07 on 30 Jun 2017

Took a long time to get going, the intro and basics of caching. Got somewhat interesting showing some features like stampede protection and tagging, but after that it mostly lacked content. I'd like to see more about pros and cons, real world considerations. Caching and cache invalidation are complex subjects that would've allowed for far more depth.

Erwin Deckers at 14:09 on 30 Jun 2017

I got the same information from reading the PSRs, which took about 5 minutes

Well delivered talk. Bit short, but good overview of the PSRs, plus some good general information on caching in general.

Bas at 20:25 on 30 Jun 2017

Nothing that you could not already find yourself on the webz.

Marc at 15:43 on 1 Jul 2017

This was really boring and all can be found in the docs and on the web. Was hoping on why stuff is it is and more on the implementation about them.

I think the hammering down of 'rule 1' is a good indication of the level of experience of the speaker with the subject matter; which is to say that it's not very high. The mention of PSRs gave me hope that this would be an informative in-depth talk about caching.

I honestly liked the history lesson, I think that was a good idea. The technical coverage of caching however seemed to be based a little too much on the PSRs. The PSRs cover just the interface and the interface of a caching system is quite simple. Caching as a technical tool however is very hard. Beyond stampeding no real technical challenges were covered and the coverage of stampeding could have used a little more explanation. The slide with the moving timeline .. that's a bad slide. I think it would be a good idea to have a slide that shows a timeline where stampeding happens and then a slide where stampede is averted. Also there was no code sample that shows stampede avoidance.

Presentation style could also use a little more work. The hammering of rule 1 becomes extra annoying if you're stumbling over the words.

Maybe if this talk was 20 minutes, it would be ok but for 45 minutes there just isn't enough information.

Thijs at 13:47 on 4 Jul 2017

First: I thank the speaker for making the effort. It is always easy to judge people. Please don't take my comment the wrong way. I was hoping for a more in-dept and advanced talk on caching.

I think reading the PSR documentation can tell you all the same as the entire talk, apart from cache stampeding perhaps.
- Perhaps add some live examples to emphasize the differences between PSR-6 and PSR-16 instead of going over the interface specifications.
- Drop the virtual packages bit, I think we all know how to use PHP packages, or ask the audience if someone doesn't know what it is about first.
- Delivery of the talk can be faster, quicker. More time for advanced examples