"GraphQL represents a massive leap forward for API development." says GitHub. What can we do with it in PHP? It turns out to be not that hard. In this talk I will present how you can make this happen using PHP with Symfony backed by the current available libraries, while also taking some time to introduce you to the concept behind it and what could be the advantages for your project.


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Jeroen v.d. Gulik at 17:31 on 30 Jun 2017

Great talk! Very clear intro into GraphQL. And Starwars themed!

Sander vT at 18:01 on 30 Jun 2017

Entertaining speaker and presentation. Perfect introduction to GraphQL. Makes me want to start hacking immediately!

Robert at 19:23 on 1 Jul 2017

Packed with good information, got me really excited to try it myself too.

I feel like this talk had all the bases covered. I now know what GraphQL is and why I would want to use it. I definitely think there is room for improvement though. Your speaking style did not feel comfortable and I missed some structure. Perhaps you could have also delved a little deeper into implementation specifics and characteristics of the resolvers.

Martijn at 08:47 on 3 Jul 2017

Good start on how GraphQL could be used, the whole versioning part looked a bit odd to me, but maybe that's just personal.

As a tip for the speaker, please give it somewhat better structure.

Arnout Boks at 09:02 on 4 Jul 2017

Good to see a talk about GraphQL! I liked the beautiful slides, Starwars references and humorous presentation style.

I think the talk was a bit unstructured though, leaving out some important GrapQL basics (like the presence of a schema and root fiields) but focussing on some details like pagination. Maybe the scope of the talk (treating both GraphQL itself and its integration into a Symfony app) was a bit too broad for 45 minutes. The combination of topics might make a good workshop though.

Renato Mendes Figueiredo (Speaker) at 09:14 on 4 Jul 2017

@Frits @Martijn
Thanks for the feedback, I like to give the talk a natural flow instead of presenting a "agenda" like many speakers do, maybe it turns a bit harder to know what's coming next, I'll thing of a way to improve it but still keeping my style!

I understand you might find one or other thing more important, the goal of the talk (as in the description of it) is to give a introduction and shows how to implement it on symfony, also the schema was mentioned many times in the talk. My main point is to show common used features in APIs, so pagination and the relay cursors are important in my opinion. I think you are not constructive in your feedback but I appreciate you took your time to come here. Thanks.

Arnout Boks at 10:06 on 4 Jul 2017

Hi Renato,

I'm sorry my feedback came across as non-constructive, that was certainly not intended. I really understand the desire to treat some topics you're passionate about, I just think that they might work better in a different form.

I really appreciate that you want to highlight some features that set GraphQL apart (like the pagination, direct query on mutation, etc.). I also think that the topic of integrating GraphQL into a Symfony app is really interesting and useful. IMHO, treating both in a 45 minute talk for an audience (probably) not familiar with GraphQL is probably a bit too much. I think including both these subjects leaves too little time for forming a solid understanding of GraphQL basics, which is a pity, because that makes it more difficult to see and appreciate the other interesting topics in context.

Personally, I would explore several options:
* Putting more focus on GraphQL itself (basics plus unique features), making the Symfony bundle more of a mention/recommended resource that the audience can delve into themselves.
* Putting the focus on GraphQL integration in Symfony, but illustrating usage of the bundle more by well-explained basic GraphQL features rather than some more exotic ones
* Requiring the audience to have a basic understanding of GraphQL, making it a more advanced level talk
* Requiring a timeslot of at least 60 minutes
* See if you can create a workshop out of this talk. I honestly think this option has a lot of potential. Your talk has so many practical take-aways that, if you are allowed the time to underlay them with a (more) solid basis (and your audience can get a feel for it), it would be really useful.


PS: apparently I cannot comment without a new rating :S

Awesome, only 1 remark, for those like me that have already started researching about this, the SWAPI (https://swapi.co/) examples are the first ones that we find.
Would be nice to have different examples.

Nonetheless, great talk