Apache Cassandra is one of the more popular choices for storing big data. Fault tolerance, scalability, and raw performance are the most often cited features of this NoSQL database. Companies like Apple and Netflix have deployed thousands of nodes.

Aside from being an excellent database to store generic data, Cassandra is particularly well suited for storing time series data. What's more: employing Cassandra is not exclusive to large companies. Whether you're storing a couple of million records or want to insert a billion rows a day: everyone can benefit from using Cassandra!

This talk is aimed at beginners who might have heard of Cassandra, but haven't started using it yet. It will cover all the basics of using Cassandra for time series. After an introduction of what Cassandra is and how it stores data, we'll dive right into relevant subjects like data modelling and running queries. I'll use easy to understand, real world examples to show you how it works in practice.


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Testing test at 15:22 on 30 Jun 2017

Very nice!!

Good job on your first time, English was really good, and the story was well prepared and linear.
I'd suggest to make the slides more attractive, maybe include a few more minutes with some other interesting things, you played a lot of safety in the beginning explaining what was included or not in the talk, maybe you can make it more natural.
Those are not big problems at all, I just wanted to give you a North!

Thanks and good job

Good presentation skills. The content left me wanting of some concrete examples, especially regarding aggregations and really large sensory data-sets.

Thijs at 13:59 on 4 Jul 2017

I think the talk could use more depth on comparison with other big data management options like Hbase, Redis Cluster, MongoDb etc. Complementing stuff like Hadoop and hive would have been nice.
To me the talk was not really about time series, it just happened to be used in the examples.
Presentation delivery and pace were great! Thank you for a good talk