While PHP’s open source community is thriving, only a relatively small number of PHP developers contribute to the number one tool they use on a daily basis: PHP itself. Although it may seem daunting to help out on a project written in C, requiring compilation and linking, getting started is actually pretty easy. In this talk I would like to share my own recent experiences of beginning to contribute to PHP itself. We will see different ways to contribute and cover some practical tips, workflows and resources, so you can start giving back to your programming language straight away!


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Dennis C. at 10:45 on 9 Jun 2018

Great talk about how to contribute back to the php community. English could still be slightly improved and needs more references/gifs/videos from the core ;)

A couple of friends saw your talk at 010php and recommended seeing this talk. I was not disappointed good work and keep it up.

J.D.Mutsaerts at 10:54 on 11 Jun 2018

2/5 seams bad, but it's described as "had potential", which is exactly what I mean.
It was nice to hear from the experience, but I wasn't expecting or interested in a complete tutorial of compiling PHP.

Arnout Boks (Speaker) at 09:47 on 12 Jun 2018

Hi J.D. Mutsaerts, thank you for leaving your feedback, it is much appreciated! I'm sorry that the talk didn't exactly match your expectations. Could you describe what you were expecting/hoping to see more of? That would really help me to tweak the talk and/or abstract to align them better.