Nowadays developers, and others, have the habit to use Git or other version control systems when writing software. While the benefits of this are mostly seen by means of pull/merge requests, easy “undo” functionality, team collaboration and others, the real benefit is history. When did we change this piece of code, and more importantly: why?

By using clever commit message and branch strategies, you can reconstruct the way your or your colleagues’ brain was thinking a year ago! It will help you pinpoint the exact ticket where a client requested a specific change and by who it was sanctioned.

Start keeping a diary today, and write history!


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Pim Elshoff at 14:37 on 8 Jun 2018

Give the speaker feedback

Jachim shared with us some hard won wisdom, that
I think everyone should know. He was knowledgable
and had the gusto to do a live demonstration! But as
these things go, the first live demo had a little mistake
and Jachim became nervous after that.

For a 4/5 I would like to see a little bit less content
and more call to action. I can't remember everything
from a list of bulletpoints, so show me the model
again and get me to go to the next level.

For a 5/5 I want to see you remain composed during
the live demo. Worst case scenario you demonstrated
that mistakes are easily made in git - and easily fixed.

Thanks for your talk. I would love to see you speak

Jasper N. Brouwer at 14:43 on 8 Jun 2018

Goeie talk, duidelijk en helder advies. Leuk idee om Richardson Maturity Model te gebruiken!
De presentatie was iets hakkelig, maar niets wat niet met meer oefenen/uitvoeren verholpen kan worden ?

Chris Chambers at 16:46 on 8 Jun 2018

Even though the live demos didn’t quite go too plan i took away some good advice from this talk.

First of all I think this is a really good subject to talk about. The commenting system of git is easily overlooked during development.

As we discussed after I think it would be wise to maybe take a different approach on the bullet points with the comments.

The live demo is a nice touch but foresee a back-up plan. If it goes wrong I would say it is easy to make mistakes in git and show us how to fix that.

However, this is a good talk!

Dennis D at 23:21 on 10 Jun 2018

Learned a lot from your talk that I can use while working on projects, thanks for that!

Thijs Feryn at 09:44 on 11 Jun 2018

Jachim is a Git PRO, I know this first hand. The idea behind the talk is brilliant, but the fact that some of the demos didn't work out as planned is a bummer.

Maybe compartmentalize the talk a bit more in the future and attach simple pre-recorded Git examples to each step.