You’ve heard about it. Maybe you even started looking at it, but you abandoned when you saw that you needed to re-learn all you thought you knew about JS. When starting to do your first steps in React, the learning curve can seem really steep. In this workshop, the attendees will be guided through the fundamental concepts behind React and will learn how to build a full application using those technologies. Covering packaging with webpack, routing, form manipulation and authentication, this workshop will get the attendees up to speed with this trendy framework that React is.

What you'll learn from this tutorial:
* What is React
*Build a React application
* Build an authentication page
* Connect to an external DB


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Jayesh Kawli at 11:31 on 7 Jun 2019

Excellent talk. Amazingly explained and perfect content if you're new to React and want to begin the new project with it.

Advise I would like to give is to switch a little more clearly between explaining/demonstrating and doing (In Dutch "praatje-plaatje-daadje"). I felt like I was doing too much instead of listening/learning, I'm bad at multitasking :)

I personally like to experiment when I learn something new. Did a Neo4j workshop once at the DPC that allowed time to experiment, basically let everybody go through the exercises at their own pace with learning/demonstration moments in between.

Good workshop but i think you go a bit to fast, it is good you stop now and then to let people catch up but also try to give them some time to absorb the information you give.

Usually during a workshop i try to experiment a bit with the information i was given to fully understand what i am doing. I feel in this workshop i did not had the time to do that. Since you finished early i think there was some room to give people a bit more time in between.