Sometimes the most talented developers can also be the most frustrating to work with. They may obsess over minor details, insist on rigid adherence to peculiar rules, or simply not play well with others. So, how do you lead someone who is brilliant but frustrating?

In this session you’ll learn how some smart people see the world differently, understand the mind-sets which not only make them great but also give them grief, and discover how much they need your leadership. In the end you’ll leave with practical plans to reduce frustration and help the brilliant programmers on your team shine even brighter.

What you'll learn from this talk:
- How great attention to detail can lead to indecision, and how you can help.
- What you can do when a team member doesn't work well with others.
- Why patterns and predictability are crucial, and how to tweak them when needed.
- How to avoid the clash between ambiguity and literal thinking.
- Why disagreement is crucial to success, and how to handle it.


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Mike at 15:44 on 24 Jun 2022

Very, very interesting journey into programmer's mind. Well researched, insightful, full of good advise.

Bas at 15:49 on 24 Jun 2022

Very interesting. It left me wondering how to manage a team if you are one of these type of developers.

Kaz van Wel at 15:50 on 24 Jun 2022

Very good talk. Not just for managers, it also gave me a lot of insights about myself as a developer.

Very insightful and enjoyable talk, really well researched and interesting. I definitely recognised myself and my colleagues in the personality types covered, it was great to hear some advice on how to effectively manage different types of team members.

Sandra at 16:07 on 24 Jun 2022

Lots of useful pointers on interaction and communication skills.

Enjoyed the situations that described the weaknesses of each personality type, as well as the listed strengths (why a "bad" thing can be a good thing).

I've found helping colleagues understand there are different types of communication styles and skill levels (even if I'm not a leader) can improve cohesiveness in a team. And I'm a big believer in "teamwork is dreamwork".

Robin S at 17:34 on 24 Jun 2022

I'm somewhat conflicted about this talk.

On one hand I found it (positively) thought provoking. It allowed me to consciously add some strategies for dealing with different kinds of people to my tool belt. Sound advice up until here.

On the other hand the three archetypes presented here are too much of a simplification, that is not rectified enough by shortly mentioning this in the beginning when it's the basis of your entire talk.

What I'm missing is the notion that people can actually adapt and evolve if given the proper support / tools. For me - both as a dev and having some experience with leading teams - this is a key aspect of providing solid leadership.

Also you quickly brush over the concept that as a leader you can take several approaches/stances. I would suggest making this more explicit, maybe even explaining the most common stances and when to adopt them as a leader within an IT context.

Comparing with the other feedback provided here, I guess this makes me a dissenter in this specific scenario ;-) I did enjoy the talk and it is clear how much time you spent in preparation, both in research and the visually stunning slides. I hope my feedback helps you improve this even further.