At SofaScore we use PHP/Syfmony and open source technologies to serve 20 milion monthly active users. This is a story of how our infrastructure and software evolved over time to accommodate an increasing number of users - from on-premise to cloud and back down. How does one make an infrastructure to handle more than a couple of users? How do you go from 100 to 1000 to 100,000 to tens of millions? What happens when due to popular demand hundreds of thousands of users hit your servers at the same time?

I'll tell you a story of how a small team of people managed to move software and services from one server to two, and then to dozens on cloud and then back to on-premise. What we encountered on the way, where we failed, and how we solved it.

What you'll learn from this talk:
- How to go about designing an application for growth.
- What to do and what not to do.
- How to adapt to an increase in monthly active users.
- Gain an insight on how a PHP Symfony application can handle 20 million monthly active users.


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Jeroen v.d. Gulik at 14:46 on 24 Jun 2022

Awesome story how you got to where you are right now. Lots of lessons learned

Mike at 14:51 on 24 Jun 2022

Nice to hear about the issues and solutions to scaling up a php app.

Bas at 14:52 on 24 Jun 2022

Great story, nice journey. I hope one day you have some more in depth talk about some of the challenges you had to overcome.

Kaz van Wel at 15:52 on 24 Jun 2022

Awesome talk. Lots of insights. One tip to give a little more context, halfway the talk I still thought it was an app that was for rating sofa's.

Robin S at 16:18 on 24 Jun 2022

Loved this talk. It's great hearing stories from the trenches, combined with every time what solution was chosen, what the reasoning behind the choices were and why ultimately another solution was chosen.

I think the real lesson is: when apps grow, stuff breaks - and will keep on breaking. What would make the talk even better for me is more emphasis on the first promised point (how to go about designing an application for growth) and staying a bit longer at the main takeaways.

For people who haven't seen this talk and are in dev or devops, would definitely recommend!