Developing in today's days has never been so powerful but it is also incredibly complex and this is challenging the teams and the businesses to deliver fast a good quality software.
In this speech Francesco summarises his experience of 25+ years in the IT industry, including the work as Product Manager for Backstage (Spotify) and now as part of the Docker's team.
In particular, you are going to learn about the trajectory of the developer experience in the market and what you, as a developer, should be able to leverage and use very soon. For sure sooner than you expect.


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Quoting Francesco, "complexity is the biggest enemy of developers". The world is still running on software, though.

In his visionary talk, Francesco imagined the evolution of development leveraging AI tools, from specification to deployment and testing.

Inspiring and brilliant.

Marco Ruffoni at 17:29 on 18 Mar 2024

Very inspiring talk