Five Techniques - Multilingual and International Sites


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Felipe and Aplyca have assembled a sophisticated list of techniques for handling and simplifying language issues; one of the important themes is pushing responsibility for the translations to the client, allowing asynchronous management of the translation. The next time this comes up, I'm going to ask Felipe for a consult.

These notes are courtesy of Joe Kepley. Thanks Joe!

Out of the box, eZ Provides multi-language objects, Localization

'Sprite' Translation
- |i18n and .ts files can be difficult to maintain, easy to forget to wrap strings
- Use a content object to store and translate strings in the admin area.

Soft Redirect
- AJAX call with IP database
- Remember user choice with cookie

"Separate Beds"
- Unique subtree with site access per region/language
- May need to maintain three subtrees in sync
- Created script to create locations in batch

"Chowmein" - Show Main
- define a main translation, and use main language checked to show content across multiple languages

Dictionary Approach
- Adding a new item means you have to maintain the translation forever
- XML blocks contain base values with default values
- These are embedded in the text of other articles
- May create some problems with visibility - lots of internal relationships