Crossing the Language Chasm


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It was hard to see where the speaker was going with the talk, the subjects seemed a bit disjointed.

Also, he should try to avoid saying "ah" during pauses. I know it's hard and unconscious, but tackling this makes a surprisingly big difference for the audience.

Anonymous at 13:37 on 21 Aug 2015

Anonymous at 17:43 on 21 Aug 2015

It felt like the speaker hadn't practiced at all, and the content of the talk was basically just a series of other people's quotes.

Anonymous at 19:55 on 21 Aug 2015

Was very hard to understand for a non-native speaker.
To summarise his talk: ah

Anonymous at 13:06 on 25 Aug 2015

Not a bad talk, but was very hard to follow with the "uhmm" pauses.