If you’re fighting with Git on a regular basis, you might not be using it optimally. This talk will lay out how to make your life easier only by changing your daily Git usage through atomic commits and other best practices. Next time you’re pulling your hair out from rebase hell, remember this talk. Many Git users tend to use Git as a save point, like in a video game; chronologically making checkpoint commits as they go. This spreads out changes to the same areas in the code over several commits, necessitates merging and resolving conflicts, and generally just making an incomprehensible jumble of your history.
This talk makes a case for atomic commits and how to use them while only minimally affecting your workflow. Using pre-recorded demos, you’ll learn how to properly interactively rebase, fix up, reset, bisect, and more. By the end of the talk, you’ll have seen how this Git flow will make your life easier and how it will affect your ability to cherry pick, drop unwanted commits, and most importantly: not spend hours resolving conflicts in rebase hell. A little change in habits can go a very long way!


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Great talk. Eye opening to usage and flow.

Nenad Vuletic at 14:05 on 2 Dec 2018

I liked it, everyone had something to learn from you!

Dušan Simić at 22:04 on 3 Dec 2018

Really good examples on how to use Git and make your life easier on large projects.