Today, virtually every business trusts in the power of JavaScript and related high-level frameworks such as Angular, React, and NodeJS. While we are eagerly waiting for IPC and webinale to come in later May, we are already preparing for the fall edition of IPC … and something completely new!

Drum roll: let us please announce our brand new “International JavaScript Conference”, which is coming alongside with IPC in October in Munich/Germany.

The International JavaScript Conference is the all new approach to satisfy the needs of every JavaScript project and developer – no matter if she or he is a native web developer or has her or his heritage in languages like Java, C or C# or anything else.

It is the goal of this new conference to share deep knowledge and best practices in vanilla JavaScript as well as in the most important JS-frameworks. And, of course, tips and tricks that go way beyond these topics and show the hidden gems and possibilities of JavaScript. This is where you come into the game.

The conference’s date is October 23th to 27th and the location will be Munich. We are looking forward to your submissions for sessions, workshops & keynotes. We prefer english as a presentation language.

Please see our list below of topics which we’d love to see covered, but we are sure that you’ll add also some extra stuff which is great and which we do not expect!