10 Years of PHPUnit: What works, what doesn't


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No need to write something about the speaker. He performs alway great. Nice and interesting walk into PHP QA tools over the years. I'd have like to see something more on Jenkins, but I got the hint so I can study it by myself.

Anonymous at 12:06 on 12 Oct 2011

I liked the talk and the speaker, allthough I found it a little bit pointless. I could have read the project roadmap and would have had the same informations I got after this talk. I don't know exactly what I was aspecting but I thought it would point out more of the things like "what works and what doesn't". Your plans for the future, stories about the past, something like that.

I think there was more potential in this talk.

Thank you anyway

Anonymous at 22:03 on 13 Oct 2011

I agree. I'd also like more information about "What can be tested (easily), and what can not and why it will be integrated in the next version or not."
Like the guy asked at last ("How can we test the database...."). I think all the developers have the same problems on how to use phpunit in the appropriate way.

Interesting aspects were mentioned about 3.6. and what will come in the future. (For e.g. the declarations (small, medium, ...) of the tests)

BTW Good work Sebastian, keep going!