The International PHP Conference is a globally recognized event for PHP developers, webworkers, IT managers and everyone interested in web technology.

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Sunday, 27th October 2013


Refactoring Legacy Code

Benjamin Eberlei, Kore Nordmann

From Jenkins to Production – the Missing How-to

Sebastian Bergmann, Arne Blankerts

Moderne Web-Apps mit HTML5 und JavaScript – Teil 1

Sebastian Springer, Thorsten Rinne


AngularJS für Anfänger und Umsteiger

Robin Böhm, Philipp Tarasiewicz, Peter Roßbach

Moderne Web-Apps mit HTML5 – Teil 2

Sebastian Springer, Thorsten Rinne

Realtime Web Applications with Node.js and WebSockets

Jakob Ketterl, Dominik Jungowski

Monday, 28th October 2013


PHP 5.5 new Features

Julien Pauli

Tablet or die. Lernen aus den Fehlern der anderen

Christian Kuhn

WordPress for the win!

Juliette Reinders Folmer

Are you Agile yet?

Gordon Oheim

Smartphone Synchronisation über ActiveSync mithilfe von Syncroton

Lars Kneschke

MySQL 5.6 and the Future

Johannes Schlüter


Von der Web-App zum Store

Johannes Brosi

Polyglot Persistence

Carsten Harnisch

Definition of almost done

Dominik Jungowski

RESS – RWD and Server-side Components

Sven Wolfermann

The Architecture of Stack Overflow

Marco Cecconi

Escaping the Legacy Hell

Benjamin Eberlei, Kore Nordmann

Vor BDD und TDD war PDD

Manuel Pichler, Sebastian Bergmann


If Responsive Web Design is the Answer, What Was the Question?

Luca Passani


Responsive Webdesign: Prozess, Dialog, Qualität

Peter Rozek

Wetware: Bugs und Qualitätssicherung

Johann-Peter Hartmann

Testing on the Edge

Sebastian Bergmann

Pixelschubsen oder Frontend-Framework?

Mareike Graf, Simon Hohenadl

Continuous Development mit Drupal

Bastian Feder


Johannes Schlüter


A fresh Look at Content Management

Robert Lemke

Understanding PHP memory

Julien Pauli

Von Continuous Integration zu Continuous Delivery

Steffen Schluff

Everything you always wanted to know about UTF-8 (but never dared to ask)

Juliette Reinders Folmer

Responsive Design

Johannes Brosi

Lean Software Engineering at Stack Exchange

Marco Cecconi


Are we there yet?

Anselm Hannemann

Entwickeln ist gut, Releasen ist besser

Robert Misch, Simon Hohenadl

Test-driven Development with Drupal

Bastian Feder

Finding a Pub with MongoDB and OpenStreetMap

Derick Rethans

Einfach agil starten

Judith Andresen

Thread-basierte Anwendungsentwicklung mit PHP

Johann Zelger, Tim Wagner

Zend Framework 2 feat. MongoDB

Ralf Eggert

Tuesday, 29th October 2013


If Responsive Web Design is the Answer, What Was the Question?

Luca Passani

Enterprise JavaScript Architekturen

Sebastian Springer

Planning for the Unplannable: Framework-Grade Architecture

Robert Lemke

Logging Best Practices – formulieren, ausgeben und analysieren

Peter Roßbach

High-Performance PHP with HipHop

Steve Kamerman

Arduino mit PHP steuern

Thomas Weinert

Synchronous Replication for MySQL

Kenny Gryp


Unit Testing einer Zend-Framework 2 Anwendung

Ralf Eggert

"Do it yourself" oder "outsource"?

Katja Speck

Lassen Sie sich von schlechter Performance nicht Ihr Wochenende verderben!

Wolfgang Gottesheim

three.js lightweight 3D Library

Dennis Wilson

Reverse your architecture!

Arne Blankerts

Selling Responsive Web Design

Patrick Lobacher

The good, the bad and the ugly UI

Dennis De Cock


HTML.future – what the web needs next

Bruce Lawson


JavaScript QA Tools

Sebastian Springer

Migration of a Legacy Application to Full Stack Symfony2: A success Story

Hans-Christian Otto

REST in practice

Joshua Thijssen

TYPO3 Flow 2.0 in the field

Patrick Lobacher

Schneller RWD-Projekte umsetzen mit Sass

Sven Wolfermann

Think big: architecture is recursive

Stefan Priebsch


Zero-Downtime Deployment with Jenkins, Git and Surf

Robert Lemke

JavaScript – the structural problem

Oliver Sturm

Keeping your project alive

Dennis De Cock

The 500 Gbit/s challenge

Sascha Schumann

Objekte mit Standardinterfaces entkoppeln

Thomas Weinert

Science of Design

Denys Mishunov

Commerce Architektur aus Sicht eines Dienstleisters

Stefan Willkommer


The Proxy pattern in PHP

Marco Pivetta

Ladegeschwindigkeit, Ladegeschwindigkeit, Ladegeschwindigkeit

Stefan Wintermeyer

Success by Architecture: High Performance eCommerce

Sebastian Heuer

Pure and functional JavaScript

Jakob Westhoff

Verträge in agilen Softwareprojekten

Björn Schotte

Hello Canvas! Grafische 2D Programmierung im Browser

Dennis Wilson

Wednesday, 30th October 2013


openTSDB – Metrics for a distributed World

Oliver Hankeln

Modernes Frontend Development mit Bower, Grunt, Yeoman

Thorsten Rinne

JavaScript Security

Johann-Peter Hartmann

Don't reboot. Debug!

Joshua Thijssen

trivago – Just a website?

Andy Grunwald

When dynamic becomes static: the next step in web caching techniques

Wim Godden

The Future of Digital Layout: Cutting-Edge CSS Features

Andre Jay Meissner


So gut wie fertig …

Stefan Priebsch, Tobias Schlitt

Using WordPress as an application framework

Marko Heijnen

Getting started with Static Code Analysis the Right Way

Richard Süselbeck

Behaviour Driven Development mit JavaScript

Marco Emrich

Secure development : 9 skills that developers must have

Antonio Fontes

Maintain your Environment with puppet

Hans-Christian Otto


OWASP Top 10

Tobias Zander

Compilation Target: JavaScript

Jakob Westhoff

Besseres Web-Development über Crowdtesting? Fallstricke, Erfahrungen, Best Practices

Jan Wolter

Sorgenfreies Betreiben von Web-APIs und Webanwendungen mit Windows Azure Websites

Rainer Stropek

Make it SOLID. Software Architecture for System Administrators

Ole Michaelis, Soenke Ruempler


Node.js, Socket.IO and Knockout – a hybrid architecture

Oliver Sturm

Doctrine ORM and Zend Framework 2

Marco Pivetta

Integrating security in your web application project: when and how?

Antonio Fontes

Juju - Mit ein wenig Magie zur perfekten Cloud

Frank Müller

JavaScript on Steroids

Rainer Stropek

Cache (nearly) everything!

Mike Lohmann


Was interessiert mich der Core?

Stefan Priebsch, Tobias Schlitt

JavaScript-basiertes A/B-Testing – Entscheidungshilfe bei der Auswahl eines Testing-Tools

Toby Urff

WebGL – 3D Welten im Browser

Kai Niklas

Secure Identity Management with SCIMv2 and OAuth2

Thorsten Roßner

Performance Testing Checklist for Symfony2

Dustin Whittle