Communication overload is everywhere we look. From clients and project briefs – from colleagues, the internet, social media, platforms, TV, and so on.
Giles will review the landscape based on his 19 years' experience in branding, marketing, and UX. Look forward to five tips on how to focus on and communicate the information that's relevant (and how to discard what is not).


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Amelia Bradshaw at 14:24 on 22 Feb 2017

Energetic talk and engaging talk, but a few things that didn't seem entirely correct. Not all miscommunication is down to laziness. This can be caused by many things, such as different perspectives, cultural or language differences, etc.

Likewise, continual positivity (pathological positivity) is not a good thing. People should be encouraged to be optimistic, but by discouraging honest, frank, and sometimes negative conversation, you risk burying problems.

Grace Zarczynska at 21:10 on 22 Feb 2017

Great insight into communication with clients - however it is worth mentioning that I do agree with Amelia. Communicating with others is a vital part of any business.