This talk is about my journey of embracing the concept of slicing features into small, demonstrable stories with some real examples of how I came to understand it. It will then explore what can happen when features are broken down in this way.


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Ben Longden at 15:58 on 22 Feb 2017

Really nice follow on from KK's talk with actual examples from experience in working in increments.

Carlos Ortega at 10:42 on 23 Feb 2017

Cool talk providing stats and facts to the theory. Sometimes you miss this kind of stuff when watching theoretical presentations.

Excellent talk and nicely presented. Good examples that increment works.

Really enjoyed your talk. The carrot cutting metaphor was a great illustration of what you were trying to achieve. You were speaking clearer and louder, great improvement from your (lightning) talk last year. Very relevant and practical content, and you showed your passion for the subject.