Talk in English - UK at Inviqa Dev Day June 2016
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jiran - Jira Command line tool
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A good story of how the tool was developed, and a nice peek at the functionality
Great information on how to select packages (that applies to choosing which cookbooks you use in chef as well). Delivered well, I was entertained and I want to start using it now!
Really nice tool that can speed up things I'll start using it once the password is not stored as plain text and authenticate in a different way (OAuth?)
Great insight into the development of Jiran, and the decisions behind it.
Interesting chat about a dev interface to a tool with a well established GUI but if it encourages people to use JIRA more then go for it!
Great info on creating an open source tool. Loved the sections you broke the journey into, it gave a really clear path on how to do this for yourself. Top stuff