We've been toying around with JS since 4 years, trying to figure out what's the best approach to build mobile-friendly apps that would offer the best performances on mobile devices.
We first went SPA and then decided to take a different approach.
2 years ago we presented a talk, at this very same conference, about how we decided to tackle our problems on mobile with an isomorphic application.

Today, we would like to guide you through 2 years of that choice and why we decided to take a step back and go revamp our mobile website again, with server-side rendering and a pinch of React.


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Simon Vocella at 11:56 on 10 May 2017

Great talk! I got a bit lost in the beginning, maybe because there were many numbers and code snippet, but in the end I get the message ;)

Great talk Alessandro!
Thanks for sharing your experience.
If you want to understand how to speed up your mobile webapp, this is the right presentation.

Very informative and inspiring talk, showing realistic code on real examples, so I felt it was providing extremely practical pieces of advice that can work as well for other business and products.
Also, the delivery was impeccable, which is definitely the result of having acquired a great experience over the years as a speaker and tech influencer!

Great talk, I really appreciate the code examples

Nice and inspirational for every company that doesn't fear to innovate.

tore at 15:15 on 12 May 2017

Good tips to improve performance!

Enrico Bono at 23:53 on 13 May 2017

Well presented and with interesting hints. Good talk.