Progressive Web Apps - one of the hottest topics of last years. It is populated by big companies and become competition for native applications. The main API for PWA creation is Service Workers. But have you think about it as a possible browsers vulnerability? Is it secure enough? Should users use it carefully? All that question are very actual in times when almost all vendors have implemented or put in development Service Workers support.


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The next challenge for security!

Samuele Lilli at 01:15 on 11 May 2018

I really didn’t understood the scope of this topic. Was it for end users? Or for devs? It wasn’t really clear but a bonus point for the hot subject.

Luca Fabbri at 18:37 on 11 May 2018

Vitalii shown us something I never heard before. The feeling after the talk was to go to my browser and check if I was compromised....
The topic was presented in a clear way, one step a time to cover all of the risks. Great job.

niccord at 15:32 on 15 May 2018

after this I was interested and worried at the same time :)

Some interesting vulnerabilities but most of them are of the type "if the site is malicious, they can do a bunch of bad stuff", which is nothing new to PWAs. The delivery of the talk could've been more engaging as well.