Best practices are important, but are they always the best for your situation? I spent years working on large software projects where best practices were crucial. Milestone planning, multiple code branching, 99.9% uptime requirements, heavy testing, deployment processes, etc. But I then blindly applied those to every project afterward. In retrospect, that hurt many projects, especially in smaller companies and startups where the speed of innovation was more important and downtime acceptable. In this session, learn from my experience and discover where cutting corners is not only acceptable but better for the project. At the same time, determine which practices are crucial and should be used no matter what!


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Eli walked through past job experiences where he first learned about and then pushed for best practices. His stories were entertaining and insightful in what went well and what didn't. He addressed a difficult topic since best practices are pushed and generally always encouraged. He gave good justification for specific scenarios where some best practices may need to come later, and I thought the always should do list (source control, backups, and security) was an accurate list to never skip.

Joe Ferguson at 14:33 on 22 Apr 2017

Great talk filled with battle stories and hard learned lessons. If you struggle to balance "doing things the right way" and "getting tasks accomplished" you need to see this talk.