You've heard about dependency injection and inversion of control. Everything seems easy at first and you've found a container or two to help make your life easier. Until it isn't anymore. Suddenly you've found yourself managing complicated YAML, XML, or PHP container configurations. Making any change to your classes dependencies seems like a chore and any time you add a new class to the system you dread the inevitable configuration container configuration wiring blues.

Life doesn't have to be this way! In fact, life isn't this way for anyone who uses an autowiring container like Laravel's. Far from the most publicly marketed component, Illuminate\Container handles a lot of the magic that makes Laravel so much fun to use. Find out how you can use Laravel's container in almost any project! See how autowiring can free your mind from having to manually configure ever little dependency. Learn how you, too, can learn to stop wiring your dependency injection container and love Laravel's container!


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Wun Chiou at 09:02 on 22 Apr 2017

Pretty good talk. I really liked seeing the code examples and comparison between different solutions.

Jeremy Ward at 09:55 on 22 Apr 2017

I thought Beau's presentation was very clear and easy-to-follow despite the fact that I haven't yet personally worked with containers in my career. He prefaced the discussion by clarifying some terminology (e.g., the differences between Dependency Inversion and Dependency Injection, Inversion of Control, Service Locator, and the very definition of Container itself), then walked through examples of the evolution of writing configuration files for PHP apps.

Through his examples, I learned that Laravel's container seems to be immensely easy to configure compare to other iterations, and that there are some open source packages out there that can assist developers with streamlining their own implementations if they're working with other frameworks such as Symfony.

Very nice, informative talk. Thank you for giving it!