Refactoring is often a murky subject for development teams. It might seem too daunting or not allowed by the pace of development. It can be misunderstood by stakeholders as something of low business value.

But how valuable is a product suffering from unaddressed code rot? How fast can we go if our product loses its ability to add or change features over time?

Switching to the next shiny new software development methodology won’t matter much for productivity if refactoring is not an adored habit.

I'd like to show you how to apply a broad catalog of refactoring patterns alongside automated tooling (IDE's, Rector, PhpUnit etc.) to help keep your codebase flexible and enjoyable.

We’ll learn how to identify high-value refactoring targets, what we can do about them, and how to help everyone see refactoring as one of the most effective ways to care about each other and our customers.


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Chris Holland at 11:15 on 15 Oct 2021

Great insights on methodologies, tooling and patterns for improving our code overtime

Great talk, even if he does besmirch the good name of VIM.

Koldo Picaza at 11:54 on 15 Oct 2021

Very useful, and nice to see the live-coding session ;-D

Excellent talk! Very useful!

Dana Luther at 12:32 on 15 Oct 2021

This was really fantastic. High energy and easy to follow with lots of really great examples.

Gage Heinrich at 13:34 on 15 Oct 2021

Very helpful!

Milan Urukalo at 15:15 on 15 Oct 2021

live coding and great insights

Anthony Tyler at 11:50 on 20 Oct 2021

Good stuff, I plan on implementing some of the things talked about in this session.