Serial Legacy Killer - My approach going from legacy to modern code


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Great talk! Time to start "hate-driven development" first thing Monday morning!

This talk was a bit different than I expected. I was expecting code techniques and tools instead of management and team-building techniques. Despite that, I found it a useful discussion and the presentation was organized, interesting and thorough.

The talk covered a lot of issues in convincing upper management to allow time for code refactoring, but seemed focused on very small organizations. The talk also didn't cover much in the way of strategy in this path to management, nor was the concept of technical debt even mentioned.
I think the intention behind this talk was solid, but the broad consideration needed for presenting this to developers across multiple organizations requires more refining.
This is a subject I have dealt with numerous times in numerous companies in the past and, if my remarks don't generate seething hatred towards me, I would be more than happy to give my insights and perspective to broaden the potential user base of this talk.