During my years as a developer and entrepreneur I have seen a lot of clients and other stakeholders struggle with getting from idea to working software. This talk sheds a light on it from a developer' side of view, mainly for not so technical people. Expect real world use cases and some funny jokes.


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Ben Cavens at 09:29 on 30 Mar 2017

Great insight into the general flow of a project. Making sure the business experts and developers both know which direction it is growing. Spontaneous, vibrant tone of voice and with good knowledge on the subject.

A perfect rant, Andreas shared insights and personal comments at a blazing speed. (so a good thing there's a recording to rewind some topics ;)

JGM_io at 14:03 on 31 Mar 2017

A topic hardly covered but so essential to the succes of a project or company.

A small tip though, perhaps you could cut it down to a ted-like 18 mins?
My partners need to see this but I know already they will not be very willing to spend an hour of their time on a talk/video.