Talk in English - US at Mdevcon
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Effectively Using Instruments
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Nice session, good to have some more info about instruments! But would be still a hard tool to work with I think.
I have found that the best way to actually become proficient in Instruments is by using it a lot and by looking at case studies such as those presented by Saul in this talk. Obviously you can't expect comprehensive elucidation from a forty-five minute talk but I now have several tricks I can add to my bag. I also like the scientific method of constructing and testing a hypothesis. Good job!
Very useful, thanks!
Android developer, but provided similar tools, this was greatly inspiring.
Well delivered.. It may help me find instruments less intimidating
Expected more than just the basics from this. Still enjoyable though.
Would have loved to have a deeper look into the various Instruments. But still it was a good overview of what's possible. Fact is if you want to be proficient with Instruments, you have to use it a lot and make some experiments by yourself.