Talk in English - UK at MidCamp 2015 MidWest Drupal Camp Track Name: Coding Short URL: (QR-Code (opens in new window))
Automated testing in Drupal with Behat
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Compelling points on why you should test. Was great to hear that testing is a key to faster cycles and more productive teams
I've been writing tests, and learned valuable info and tips in this session. Convincing!
This was a high quality, well organized, and approachable guided intro to Behat. These talks are difficult to do but Jack nailed it. It is people like Jack that are going to bring behavior driven development into the Drupal mainstream.
This was a good sessions. Jack is clearly knowledgable, and enthusiastic, about the subject.
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Compelling points on why you should test. Was great to hear that testing is a key to faster cycles and more productive teams
I've been writing tests, and learned valuable info and tips in this session. Convincing!
This was a high quality, well organized, and approachable guided intro to Behat. These talks are difficult to do but Jack nailed it. It is people like Jack that are going to bring behavior driven development into the Drupal mainstream.
This was a good sessions. Jack is clearly knowledgable, and enthusiastic, about the subject.