Talk in English - UK at MidCamp 2015 MidWest Drupal Camp Track Name: Coding , DevOps Short URL: (QR-Code (opens in new window))
Composing a Drupal 7 Site
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Could've better sold of the benefits of using composer.
very informative and brave for live demo. I agree with the previous post about high lighting benefits of composer over others
Very informative, agree that it could have been sold better, but doing additional research during / after the session provided enough insight.
Good demo and explanation. Not yet sold on whether it's a useful tool for my purposes, but it's useful to see the tools in action.
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Could've better sold of the benefits of using composer.
very informative and brave for live demo. I agree with the previous post about high lighting benefits of composer over others
Very informative, agree that it could have been sold better, but doing additional research during / after the session provided enough insight.
Good demo and explanation. Not yet sold on whether it's a useful tool for my purposes, but it's useful to see the tools in action.